Pino Porter problems: water accumulating frame damaged battery, front-beam too short for stable fixing at max. length

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Moderator: Wildcate

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Registriert: 02.08.2017, 21:06
Pinotyp: ohne Pino

Pino Porter problems: water accumulating frame damaged battery, front-beam too short for stable fixing at max. length

Beitragvon Tan-GO! » 02.08.2017, 21:32

(I drafted the text below in English for sharing both with my trader in Belgium and with Hasebikes, so I stick to English, but responses in German are welcome, of course.)

Today I wrote the mail below to Hasebikes and my Belgian Pino-trader, and thought it could be useful to share it in the Pino-Forum. Any hints as to how to solve the problems are welcome!

The flexible Pino-Porter has become an indispensable element of our car-free family mobility. However, unfortunately I have to report two more technical problems with my Pino Porter. I bought the bike (with a BionX rear-wheel assist and the battery in main-frame's triangle) in December 2014 at the Fietslab in Leuven, Belgium, but noticed the problems only now. I trust you will use my user-feedback to further improve the bike for the benefit of current and future users, and help me solve the problems with my own Pino Porter.

1. Water accumulated in the frame and damaged the battery when turning the bike upside down:
Today I turned the Pino Porter upside down for the first time (to replace a broken spoke). When turning the bike horizontally suddenly and totally surprising to me ca. half a litre of water poured out of the frame, flushing among others over the battery, with the result that the battery is now not working anymore. The bike had not been used and parked in the dry garage for the past three weeks. Before that I cycled with it through heavy rainfalls on several occasions, but have by no means exposed the bike to unusual use such as riding through deeper water. As we were busy turning the bike I could not identify the spot, where exactly the water poured out, but I suspect it came from the low-rider/bike stand construction.
I trust you agree that it is very problematic that water accumulates in quantity in the construction
a) because it corrodes the construction from within and
b) because it damaged the battery when suddenly pouring out when turning the bike.

Please find out
a) where the water enters during normal use (spray from the wheels?? Flowing down the frame/the cargo-bags in heavy rain and entering through some holes in the frame??), e.g. by spraying a Pino Porter with the bags installed with a water hose)
b) how the problem can be fixed (e.g. by drilling holes at suitable places for the water to exit??)
and let me know the results and how you compensate for the damaged battery.

2. Telescopic front-beam too short for stable fixing
I bought the Pino Porter because I expected it to be suitable also for tall people like myself (192cm). But it has now turned out that the telescopic head-beam bearing the front pedals is too short for stable fixing: I never extended it beyond the marked maximum length, but even then the grip of the quick-release clamp is insufficient to keep the head-beam in place (it turns along the axis of the beam when a strong stoker pedals with force), probably because
a) the beam is too short to leave sufficient length of the beam in the wider main frame tube for tight grip
b) a single quick release clamp is insufficient to guarantee tight grip for strong stokers
Could you consider offering telescopic head-beams of different lengths, i.e. longer beams for longer stokers, and shorter ones for shorter stokers? (This would, of course, come at the expense of length-flexibility, but if it ensures a tight fixing of the beam to me this is a price worth paying). Thank you in advance for letting me know how you can help me solve this problem.

Prof. p. i. n. o.
Beiträge: 2036
Registriert: 18.05.2008, 17:24
Pinotyp: Pino21
Steps Unterstützung: ja
Wohnort: Bartholomä

Re: Pino Porter problems: water accumulating frame damaged battery, front-beam too short for stable fixing at max. lengt

Beitragvon upndown » 04.08.2017, 11:01

Hase und dein Händler sind natürlich die richtigen Ansprechpartner für die Probleme.
1. Batterieproblem: Ist es sicher, dass die Batterie defekt ist, oder kann es sein, dass die Elektronik im Pino versagt hat? Am Besten Messen der Batteriespannung im ausgebauten Zustand.
2. die maximal nutzbare Stokerlänge dürfte bei einem etwa 1,85m großen Stoker erreicht sein. Ein längerer Ausleger wäre auf jeden Fall eine Möglichkeit, das man überprüfen könnte. Mit 10cm längerem Ausleger dürfte das dann bis zu 2m Körperlänge funktionieren.
3. Die Klemmung des Auslegeres hat Hase wohl geändert. Unser 2009er Pino hat eine Innensechskantschraube. Damit könnte die Klemmkraft auch für einen "starken" Stoker groß genug sein. Bei häufigem Schrauben verschleißt sie aber sehr schnell, was Hase sicher dazu bewogen hat, diese gegen einen Schnellspanner auszutauschen.

Grüße Uli
man kann sich auf nichts mehr verlassen, nicht mal mehr auf die Unzuverlässigkeit des Wetterberichts!
Bei "langweiligem Wetter" kann man auch getrost in die Wetterapp gucken, sonst muss man sich mehrerer Informationsquellen bedienen. :mrgreen:

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